Helio Online: Archive

Archive of online articles


:: 2007 ::

The How-Tos That You Do
Instructables keep people in step after step after step.

Psychobotany: Revolutionary Breakthroughs in Human/Plant Communication
Think that plants have no feelings? Think again.

From Gloom to Pop: Martin Hsu and His Irresistible Cast of Characters
Before little Ruby Gloom arrived on the T-shirt scene in 2002, the sullen Emily the Strange had been the it girl for hipster youth and aging scenesters for almost a decade.

Talking BEASTS! Artist and Curator Jacob Covey
Ninety artists. Two hundred pages. Foil stamping. Gold ink. And lots and lots of imagination. It’s the kind of book you’d fight over, with the kind of art you’d fawn over.


:: 2006 ::

Take This Lawn and Eat It
Fritz Haeg is transforming the idea of the American front yard, one vegetable at a time.

A Mighty Indie Among Giants: Fantagraphics Turns 30
The indies are dying and dying fast. Labels, bookstores, weeklies and publishers are closing their doors or being acquired as big conglomerates are making it difficult to compete in the marketplace. Duh, tell you something you don’t know.

A Bound Menagerie
Influences reveals what drives those at the forefront of graphic design.